Don’t let the pandemic stop you from achieving your life goals!

Manage and grow your investment so you can achieve your long-term goals with AXA Target Date Fund.

 The COVID-19 pandemic has brought important realizations about the lives we lead. For many, it is a wake-up call to always be prepared and to continue working on their life goals.

Whether it’s your child’s education, starting your own business, or planning for your dream retirement, let time work to your advantage with AXA Target Date Fund, a Philippine peso-dominated fund that helps manage and grow your investment so you can achieve your long-term goals.

“Even when faced with many uncertainties right now, we must remain committed to our goals because they give our life purpose and direction, and in many cases, allow us to help our loved ones. And AXA is here as your partner to help fulfill those goals with the Target Date Fund,” says Rahul Hora, AXA Philippines chief executive officer and president.

The Target Date Fund diversifies a customer’s investment across a mix of fixed income instruments and stocks. To effectively ride out market volatility and help a client reach his goal, the investment is distributed into different asset classes which are reassessed over time as the client’s target date approaches.

This investment product lets policyholders enjoy AXA’s unique strategy that maximizes growth at the onset and then moves to preserve the investment as one moves closer to the target date of the goal. This is made possible as AXA’s fund managers will prioritize growth-oriented assets, such as equities, at the start. Then, the managers automatically move it for you to conserve assets in order to protect your gains by your target date.

Customers also have the flexibility to choose the date of their desired investment goal completion (2030, 2035, 2040, and 2045). Customers can opt to remain invested in the fund even after reaching their target date as the fund may still offer capital growth given its remaining allocation growth assets.

For new customers, the fund is a built-in feature of AXA insurance products like Asset Master. For existing customers of Ambition X, it is an additional investment option. With the Target Date Fund as part of the single-pay insurance plan, policyholders may have life insurance coverage of at least 125% of their initial investment. No matter what happens, clients can have peace of mind knowing that their investment can help achieve their life goals and that of their loved ones.

Life goals take time, and if you get started on them now, you can make time work to your advantage. For more information on Target Date Fund via AXA Asset Master and other products, visit

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