Eco-friendly ways to save money


Save money while helping the environment along the way.

There’s a common misconception that going green can be expensive, but that is not always the case. Making a few environment-friendly changes to your lifestyle may be more cost-efficient in the long run. AXA Philippines, one of the country’s leading insurance providers, is encouraging you to try these energy-saving tips: 

Use reusable water containers. It takes a tremendous amount of energy and resources to produce plastic bottles. Not only do they have a large carbon footprint, but they are also ruining the ocean and killing sea life when disposed of improperly. By having your flask, jug, or tumbler with you all the time, you can just simply fill your bottle with potable water from tap -- no need to spend on single-use plastic water bottles when on the go.

Go paperless. If you have the option to go paperless for items like your bills, documents, and insurance policies, go ahead and choose that option. This will save a ton of trees, cut down on pollution, reduce transport, and even save water. What’s more, you can control the clutter in your house, and you can also easily access your documents anytime and anywhere through your gadgets. You save on storage space—win-win.

Switch to energy-saving light bulbs. You can instantly make your homes eco-friendly by switching all your lights to energy-saving light bulbs. Some of the great options you can consider are LED lights or compact fluorescent lights. Up front, they might be more expensive than the regular light bulb, but they will last much longer.

Line-dry your clothes. Using the dryer to dry your clothes may be quicker, but it’s one of the home appliances that uses a lot of energy. It also has the tendency to shrink your clothes or ruin the fabric. Your best solution is to line-dry your clothes. Not only are you saving on electricity, but you’re also preserving the quality of your clothes, making them last longer. At the same time, you’re saving money from not constantly buying new clothes.

Use eco bags when shopping. These days, more and more retail establishments are charging customers for shopping bags. This is part of their initiative to encourage customers to bring their own eco-bags instead of using plastic bags; thereby lessening plastic waste. Avoid this extra expense by bringing your own eco bags. They’re stronger than the ordinary plastic or paper bags, which means you can use them over and over again when shopping.

Reduce, reuse, recycle. These three “R’s” are great initiatives that can make a big difference for the environment. Before throwing something away, think of creative ways to give it a new life. For example, use plastic bottles as plant pots or, instead of throwing away scratch paper, maybe you can make art out of it. Also, reduce your packaging consumption by buying goods in bulk and reusing materials, such as reusable grocery bags, mason jars, or microwavable containers to store food. Think before you throw!

At AXA, we try our best to do our share in helping save and care for our planet by implementing “Go Green” initiatives such as the use of tissue paper recycled out of office paper waste. We also recently implemented an eco-friendly switch to minimize physical document touch points. The company is promoting contactless delivery as it transitioned to fully paperless issuance of statements and notices since December 1, 2020. Customers may view an electronic copy of their policy when they register and log in to the MyAXA web portal or via the Emma by AXA PH app. Download the app for free via the Google Play or App Store or at

Save money while helping the environment along the way with these practical tips from AXA Philippines. To know more about AXA, visit and follow @AXA.Philippines on Facebook and Instagram.

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