Maxicare provides COVID-19 testing for Bb Pilipinas 2021 beauties

 To ensure a safe and COVID-19-free coronation night for this year’s Binibining Pilipinas, the leading HMO in the Philippines, Maxicare, along with its mobile clinic, Lab on Wheels, came to the Araneta Coliseum to conduct RT-PCR testing for the 34 Bb. Pilipinas candidates, as well as the event staff, guests, and crew. 

“We are honored to partner with Binibining Pilipinas to help ensure the safety of the candidates and the production crew of the most prestigious beauty competition in the country. Through Lab On Wheels, Maxicare was able to provide convenient, fast, reliable, and most importantly, safe testing for the candidates. We are happy to extend our services to this pageant which definitely provides Filipinos with a much-needed spark of hope and beauty amidst these challenging times,” said Maxicare Chief Marketing Officer Archie Rillo. 


Maxicare Lab on Wheels successfully conducted RT-PCR testing for  Bb. Pilipinas 2021 candidates, guests, production staff and crew.

Thanks to Maxicare’s Lab on Wheels, the Binibining Pilipinas candidates were able to avail of the gold standard in Covid-19 testing safely and conveniently. Maxicare’s Lab on Wheels is a mobile clinic that provides members with easier access to reliable health services, offering COVID-19 testing, routine blood testing, plus Telemedicine video consultations with Maxicare doctors, among others.

Maxicare continuously innovates to deliver convenient and quality healthcare to Filipinos to constantly ensure their health, wellbeing, and peace of mind. With Maxicare’s Lab on Wheels, companies, groups, and teams planning gatherings within Metro Manila or Cebu can easily get the safe and convenient care they need. 

Maxicare Lab on Wheels van at Araneta Coliseum for Bb Pilinas 2021 participants’ RT-PCR testing.

If you'd like to book Maxicare’s Lab on Wheels for your company, contact your Maxicare Health Benefit Executive or Maxicare Business Development Manager today.

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